Amarilis Colomba Rojas

Actress and playwright, Bachelor of Performing Arts from the Universidad Mayor.

She has worked as an actress from 1996 to the present, collaborating with different companies and directors.

In the year 2000, she ventured into Dramaturgy in the workshop of the playwright Juan Radrigán. From then on, she trained with various playwrights and screenwriters in Chile and abroad. Along with the company La Huella Teatro, she has premiered more than ten dramatic texts such as Chajnantor, Mirar Hacia Atrás, Baile Ausente de un Arcángel, Wukong, El gran viaje del Rey Mono, among others. In 2017 she collaborates as a playwright with the Swiss Company Collectife Alternance Théàtre with the play Patria / Kamikaze.

Her works Las decapitadas (2003) and Pieza de ratas (2017) received the Municipal Prize of Santiago at the Gabriela Mistral Literary Games.


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