Giuseppina Di Gesaro
Giuseppina Di Gesaro is a performer, curator and creative producer passionate about interdisciplinary art and public space, site specific interventions, digital experiments or participatory works that question traditional genres and the fruition practises. She produces experiences which contemplate the audience’s participation at any level of the production.
“At the service of Art, always.”
Giuseppina Di Gesaro
She first graduated from the University of Palermo in Drama Theatre with the thesis: “Outlines for an Artaudian theatre: the case of SoggettileTeatro”. She then got a Master in Multimedia and Performing Arts at the University of Bologna, with the dissertation “The scene as an environmental device: elements of composition”, with professor Enrico Pitozzi, in which she investigates the production of scenic environments through the development of machines, which do not necessarily include the presence of the performers, and the central role that the space and the audience acquire in the contemporary performing arts practises.
Since 2011 she has been part of the Palermo-based company SoggettileTeatro, to promote various kinds of poetic actions.
The passion for cinema and in particular documentaries, the necessity to deepen her interest in the visual culture, put her on the path of the cinema collective Humareels: she was the main producer of multidisciplinary festival Poverarte, and curated screenings and exhibitions. She is currently a board member of Humareels.
She has worked for the contemporary performing arts festival perAspera (Italy), GDIF Festival (London) Kensington and Chelsea Festival (London).
In the last 4 years she has been mainly focused on producing independent artists works: Silvia Mercuriali (UK / Italy), Francesco Bentivegna (UK/Italy), Monia Baldini (UK/Italy), Juste avant La compagnie – (France).
For Silvia Mercuriali I have produced her last digital show Swimming Home, which takes place in people’s houses, directly through the app Mercurious-NET, National Ear Theatre.